East Timor - 2008
text East Timor remains on high alert after its Government declared a state of emergency on 12 February 2008, one day after assassination attempts on President Jose Ramos-Horta and Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao. Security guards shot dead the fugitive rebel leader Alfredo Reinado, believed to have been behind the attack on the President. In 2006, Reinado led a group of disgruntled army officers in a revolt against the government. Their complaints of discrimination rallied others discontented over job opportunities, poor governance and factionalism.
Australia send an additional 340 military and police personnel into Dili to reinforce an international stabilization force of about 1,000 troops already in the country under a United Nations mandate.
Australia send an additional 340 military and police personnel into Dili to reinforce an international stabilization force of about 1,000 troops already in the country under a United Nations mandate.
Supporters and relatives of East Timorese rebel leader Alfredo Reinado hold a banner with his poicture during Reinado funeral in Dili.
Relatives of East Timor rebel leader Alfredo Reinado mourn next to his coffin in Dili.
Relatives of East Timor rebel leader Alfredo Reinado mourn next to his coffin in Dili.
Relatives and supporters of East Timorese rebel leader Alfredo Reinado shout slogans next to his coffin in Dili.
Relatives and supporters of East Timorese rebel leader Alfredo Reinado gather next to his coffin in Dili.
/> Supporters of East Timorese rebel leader Alfredo Reinado attend his funeral in Dili, East Timor.
Supporters and relatives of East Timorese rebel leader Alfredo Reinado lower his coffin to the grave during Reinado funeral in Dili
Relatives of East Timor rebel leader Alfredo Reinado cry over his photograph in Dili
An East Timorese man passes a security check point at a main road in Dili
East Timorese policemen search a car at a security check point at a main road in Dili.
East Timorese passes a security check point at a main road in Dili
East Timorese passes a security check point at a main road in Dili
/> Australian soldiers at a base in Dili
Members of the Australian Federal Police at Dili airport
Australian peacekeeping soldier patrols a street in Dili
East Timorese attend Sunday service at a cathedral in Dili